Diet vs Exercise

Jun 1, 2022

Diet vs Exercise

Nutrition Tip: Diet vs Exercise

We can’t out-exercise a poor-quality diet, no matter how hard we work out.

Exercise is crucial and so is nutrition. In fact, they work even better together.

A nutritious diet gives you the energy to work out to your maximum and then recover fully. Daily exercise helps you feel better overall, increasing your commitment to eat well.

If you’ve had trouble sticking to a healthy eating or exercise program, start by taking a tiny step – now.

Schedule an exercise class, or a walk with a friend. Cut up some raw veggies so they’re easy to grab when you want a snack. Every small action you take will lead to another on your journey to wellness.

No amount of exercise can compensate for a poor diet
Even the most perfect diet won't make up for a lack of exercise


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