Splurging on new stylish workout gear once in a while can be so motivating. When a new pair of leggings fits just perfectly, or a new top really spotlights those sculpted shoulders you’ve been working on so hard, you want to run right to the gym and work out in them! Here are my favourite online stores for stylish and unique pieces. Both offer an exclusive online discount just for you, my online fitness friends!

On Point Women’s Fitness Leggings from Red Rain Buddha
Red Rain Buddha
The Fun and Fabulous
Great yoga clothes don’t have to cost a fortune if you shop at Red Rain Buddha! This San Diego based online store offers everything yoga, from eye-catching leggings to jewelry and even home accessories. I paid less than $40 CAD each for two of my favourite pairs of summer leggings. My next purchase will be one of their funky duvet covers. They are even offering my readers 30% off! Just use the special code 30offChristie upon checkout.

Heart Butt Capris from Nina B Roze
Nina B. Roze
The Sexy Splurge
I just ❤️ Nina B. Roze. I ❤️ the durability, flattering cut and high waistline of her leggings and capris. I ❤️ the way-faster-than-I expected shipping time. But I especially ❤️ the ❤️-shaped bum! If you don’t like attention, don’t buy these yoga pants! Nina is generously offering 50% off your next order. Next time you want to treat yourself, use the code HAPPY505. This is a limited time offer, so don’t wait!