Blog > Fitness

4 Ways Pilates Can Improve Your Sex Life

The benefits of Pilates are well-documented:  a stronger and more stable core, improved flexibility, and reduced back pain to name a few. But here's a secret we Pilates instructors don't usually share in our classes: practicing Pilates can improve your sex life....

Lifting Weights: What’s Right For Me?

When I was in my early 20s, my friend Jodi announced she was beginning a weight training program. At first I was skeptical. I'd never met any women who lifted weights and I assumed it would make you look bulgy and unfeminine, like the Incredible Hulk. But after a few...

Free Float Giveaway: And The Winner Is…

After a particularly tough workout, I love to go for a float. The combination of weightlessness and muscle-relaxing Magnesium Sulfate soothes my tired body and releases any emotional stress. In fact, the Australian Institute of Sport even considers flotation therapy...

Yoga or Pilates: Which is Better?

As a personal trainer who teaches and practices both Pilates and Yoga, I am often asked which is better. My answer: both disciplines can have amazing effects on your body and mind, although the benefits differ. Yoga Yoga is well-known for its relaxing, meditative...