Free Float Giveaway: And The Winner Is…

After a particularly tough workout, I love to go for a float. The combination of weightlessness and muscle-relaxing Magnesium Sulfate soothes my tired body and releases any emotional stress. In fact, the Australian Institute of Sport even considers flotation therapy...

Yoga or Pilates: Which is Better?

As a personal trainer who teaches and practices both Pilates and Yoga, I am often asked which is better. My answer: both disciplines can have amazing effects on your body and mind, although the benefits differ. Yoga Yoga is well-known for its relaxing, meditative...

Walk This Way: Three F’s For Better Health

"An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." Thoreau  My client and friend Annie is an avid walker. She averages 40-60 minutes at a time, strides with a brisk pace and prefers forested areas over city streets. She's slim and fit, never seems to get sick,...