I'm lying naked in complete and utter darkness. I can hear nothing but the sound of my own deep breathing. I'm unable to sense where my skin ends and the space around my body begins. Suspended in a dreamlike trance, I've lost all awareness of time passing. Where have...
“I Want A Six-Pack!”
When I ask clients about their long term fitness goals, defined, washboard abs - the six-pack - often makes it onto the list. Who among us (myself included) hasn't craved that magazine cover beach body? Take my client Jen for example. Jen is fit and athletic, and...
Should I keep my core engaged all the time?
Do you have a question about your fitness routine? Is there an exercise you just don't "get"? Or maybe you're curious about the benefits of one workout versus another. Every week I'll post a question submitted by a reader, and answer it right here. If your question...
Snowshoeing: Healthy and Fun (and Cheap Too!)
Looking for a fun, easy way to stay fit during the winter season without spending tons of cash? Try snowshoeing! Snowshoeing is very inexpensive compared to alpine skiing. Once you have shoes & poles, it's practically free, and there are no line-ups! It is easy to...
My Favourite Three Exercises That Require No Equipment At All
You don't need tons of props and equipment to get fit. Simple exercises using only your body weight can help you achieve strength gains, boost your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen you bones. Plus, you can do them anywhere - at home, on the beach, maybe even in...
Raw Food. Paleo. Atkins. Popular Diets Not As Healthy As You May Think
They sound like the perfect diets. Eat "ancient" like our ancestors did, before we ruined things with additives and preservatives. Or, eat "natural" like our primate cousins do: raw foods only, no newfangled notions like, well, cooking. But instead of promoting...
When You Burn Off That Fat, Where Does It Go?
So here's a question I never really thought about before: when you lose weight, where does it go? I mean, fat cells are made up of atoms and atoms can't just disappear. So when your love handles start to shrink or you lose an inch off your belly, what happens to that...
Who has time to work out? You do!
A lot of people have trouble squeezing a workout into their busy day. And no wonder. Add up how long it takes to get to the gym, change, do your workout, hit the shower, change again -- no surprise it's tough to find the time! What if I told you there was an...