Blog > Tip of the Week
Mobility or Stretching: Which Is Better?

Mobility or Stretching: Which Is Better?

Discover the Advantages of Mobility What's a more effective way to warm up before exercise - static stretching or mobility? According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, mobility - dynamic stretching or moving through a range -...

Improve Your Golf Swing with These 3 Mobility Exercises

Improve Your Golf Swing with These 3 Mobility Exercises

Improve your mobility, flexibility - and your game! A good golf swing requires good mobility, but as we age, our ability to move easily decreases. That's why mobility warm-up exercises should be a part of every game. Here are three mobility exercises to warm up your...

Make A Great Workout Even Better!

Make A Great Workout Even Better!

Mobility Before; Stretches After! Incorporating mobility exercises into your pre-workout routine can prepare your body and mind for exercise, while stretching afterwards helps you relax and recover. By increasing your range of motion and joint mobility, mobility...

Get A Full Body Workout in 15 Minutes!

Get A Full Body Workout in 15 Minutes!

5 Exercises for a Total-Body Burn With just a set of dumbbells and some determination, you can get a full-body workout in just 15 minutes. This routine is designed to work your entire body in a short amount of time. Start with a 5-minute warm-up of jumping jacks, high...

Tone and Tighten Your Core in Just 5 Minutes!

Tone and Tighten Your Core in Just 5 Minutes!

Quick and Effective: 5-Minute Abs Workout If you’re short on time, try this quick and effective abs workout that will help you tone and tighten your core in just 5 minutes. 1) Resisted Dead Bug Lie flat on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling and...

Strengthen Your Core With These 5 Ball Exercises

Strengthen Your Core With These 5 Ball Exercises

Strengthen Your Core and Relieve Back Pain Strengthening your core muscles is essential for improving your posture and relieving back pain. These ball exercises are a great way to get started. By incorporating them into your routine, you can help activate your core...

Improve Your Golf Swing with These 3 Mobility Exercises

Ground To Standing Mobility Challenge

Can You Get From Ground To Standing (Without Using Your Hands)? The ability to get from the ground to standing and back again is one of the most essential human movement skills we can maintain. In our daily lives, we get up and down a lot, and the movement requires...

Make A Great Workout Even Better!

4 Exercises To Build Strong and Healthy Shoulders

4 Effective Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Your shoulders are some of the most important joints in your body. They allow you to move your arms in a variety of ways, from reaching overhead to throwing a ball. Strong and mobile shoulders are essential for everyday...